Nvidia is an American company stationed in Santa Clara,California. Nvidia play a dominant role in manufacturing graphics processing units(GPU) and system on chips for mobile compilation companies. It was founded in April 1993.

Phoronix says that in performance Jetson TX1 competes Intel Core i7 6.7M.
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Jetson TX1 is two to three times the performance of Jetson TK1 which was released last year.This Jetson Tx1 board includes 4GB of memory in it.A 2x2 802.11ac plus Bluetooth wireless radio, a Gigabit Ethernet Controller and a flash module of 16GB is also included. Jetson Tx1 offers 1TFLOPs of performance due to presence of 265 CUDA graphics cores. A good news for gamers is that the applications and games would run with more speed and even more effectiveness. The initial price for JTX1 is $600.Standalone TX1 module would be available for $300 by 2016.
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