Saturday, 13 February 2016

A new era of science has initiated-GRAVITATIONAL WAVES!

In 1905 when Albert Einstein  put forward the General Theory of Relativity the most obnoxious part of his theory was the existence of gravitational waves.But the faint rising tone is a direct evidence to the existence of gravitational waves.

This discovery at LIGO on September 14 has changed the thinking perspectives not only in the field of science but also in the field of space and time. The discovery confirms the Einstein concept-  space and time are interrelated able to stretch and jiggle.This discovery also confirms the existence of binary black holes.
Einstein proposed that as mass changes position it causes ripples and this gives rise to the concept of gravitational waves.The team at LIGO recorded a sound wave which was created by the collision between two black holes 1.3 billion years ago.These waves give concept that time stretches
and compresses as sound waves travel through space.

Watch the video by nytimes.

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